百毛夜行公告:活動更新 第二波

🌟 【毛毛舞台】

🚀 【自主發起活動】

🎉 【公益抽獎活動】

🍸 【以酒會毛】
以酒會毛將於高雄承億酒店27樓空中酒吧「BAR KAO」舉行,將提供泰式料理吃到飽並由「TailShake」團隊提供各式調酒給參與者,現場也有駐唱歌手提供夜晚美好的歌聲,也可以自由穿毛到現場與高雄港景合照,讓活動於毛毛、佳餚、港景及歌聲中畫下完美的句點。

🏨 【第二波飯店訂房正式開放】

📢 【情報更新】

🌀Nocturnal Furade:Event Updates – Part 2🌀

🌟 【The Stage】
The talents in our community are our pride! Whether you excel in singing, dancing, acting, acrobatics, tricks, or magic, we invite you to perform your skills for the world to see! On The Stage, every performer and creator has the chance to shine. If you are willing to share your talent, we will provide a perfect stage for your performance.

🚀 【Panel】
Become a panel host by initiating your activity! As a host, the FTP organizers will grant you permission to give out Spiritual Points (SPs) to help participants gain experiences and progress in this year’s theme event! Prepare your content, share it with the world, and guide them through every exciting moment of their journey!

🎉 【Charity Raffle】
Every act of kindness counts, and when combined, it forms a powerful force to be reckoned with. Together with the FurryTeaParty and other kind-hearted individuals, we organized this charity raffle. All proceeds from the tickets will be donated in full to charitable organizations, making a significant impact on those in need. This is an opportunity for those who care about the fandom, animals, and society to show their support and love.

🍸 【Furry Banquet】
“Furry Banquet” will be the grand celebration, held at the “BAR KAO” rooftop bar on the 27th floor of the TAi Urban Resort in Kaohsiung. The event will feature all-you-can-eat Thai cuisine and a variety of cocktails provided by the “TailShake.” There will also be live singers to serenade the night. Guests are encouraged to wear their fursuits and to perfectly conclude this year’s FTP event in all the fun, food, views and music, and sprinkling night sky.

🏨 【Hotel Reservation – 2nd Phase now open】
Only several rooms left!!!!!

📢 【Information Updates】
The FurryTeaParty registration system has been fully repaired, and participants can now register using the system.