百毛夜行小劇場03:合作活動BeastAges II

🌀百毛夜行公告:合作活動BeastAges II🌀

準備迎接一場精彩的獸文化盛會!在以茶會毛活動的同日同地,BeastAges II 將於高雄展覽館帶來一場獸文化販售會。連接愛好者,擴展你的獸文化世界,讓這個周末成為你難忘的獸文化探索之旅!

⭐️BeastAges II
高雄展覽館 301a 會議室

Nocturnal Furade Announcements: Event Collaboration – BeastAges II🌀

Prepare for an exciting furry cultural celebration! The FurryTeaParty had joined forces with the BeastAges II.
On the same day and at the same location, the BeastAges II will host a furry marketplace (dealer’s den) at the Kaohsiung Exhibition Center.

BeastAges II
Feburary 23rd(Sun), 2025
Kaohsiung Exhibition Center, Room 301a
